
Hip preservation surgery represents a significant advancement in orthopaedic medicine, offering a promising alternative to hip replacement for younger patients and those seeking to maintain their natural joint function. This guide delves into the intricacies of hip preservation surgery, emphasizing its benefits, techniques, and why it’s becoming the preferred choice for managing various hip conditions.

Hip Preservation Surgery

Understanding Hip Preservation Surgery

Hip preservation surgery encompasses a range of surgical procedures aimed at alleviating pain, improving function, and delaying the progression of hip conditions. Unlike hip replacement, which involves replacing parts of the hip joint with artificial components, hip preservation focuses on repairing the existing joint to preserve its natural anatomy and function.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention is crucial to hip preservation. Conditions such as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), labral tears, dysplasia, and early osteoarthritis, if identified and treated early, can prevent further joint damage and potentially avoid the need for more invasive surgeries like total hip replacement.

Techniques in Hip Preservation Surgery

Hip preservation surgery employs various techniques, tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Key procedures include:

Arthroscopic Surgery: A minimally invasive procedure that uses small incisions and a camera to diagnose and repair joint damage. It’s commonly used for treating labral tears and FAI.

Osteotomy: This procedure involves cutting and realigning bones to improve joint congruence and reduce pain, often used in cases of hip dysplasia.

Joint Preservation with Biological Treatments: Techniques such as autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) and the use of stem cells are explored for regenerating damaged cartilage and delaying degeneration.

Hip Preservation Surgery

Benefits of Hip Preservation Surgery

The benefits of hip preservation surgery are vast, offering patients the opportunity to return to their active lifestyles with reduced pain and improved joint function. Key advantages include:

Minimally Invasive Options: Many hip preservation procedures are performed arthroscopically, resulting in less pain, shorter recovery times, and minimal scarring.

Preservation of Natural Joint: By maintaining the natural anatomy of the hip, patients can experience a greater range of motion and functionality compared to traditional hip replacement.

Delaying Joint Degeneration: Early intervention and treatment can slow down or halt the progression of joint damage, potentially avoiding the need for hip replacement in the future.

Ideal Candidates for Hip Preservation Surgery

Hip preservation surgery is particularly beneficial for younger patients and athletes experiencing hip pain or limited mobility due to non-arthritic conditions. Ideal candidates are those in the early stages of hip joint issues, where the damage is not extensive enough to require joint replacement.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

Recovery from hip preservation surgery varies depending on the specific procedure and the patient’s overall health. A comprehensive rehabilitation program, including physical therapy, is crucial for regaining strength, flexibility, and function. Patients can often return to their normal activities, including sports, within a few months post-surgery.

Hip Preservation Surgery


Dr. Kunal Aneja is the Best Hip preservation surgery offers a promising future for individuals suffering from hip pain and dysfunction, providing an alternative to hip replacement that maintains the natural joint and promotes long-term joint health. If you’re experiencing hip issues, consulting with a specialist in hip preservation can help determine the most appropriate treatment to restore your mobility and quality of life.


1. What conditions can hip preservation surgery treat?

Ans. Hip preservation surgery can treat a variety of conditions, including femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), labral tears, hip dysplasia, and the early stages of osteoarthritis.

2. How do I know if I’m a candidate for hip preservation surgery?

Ans. Ideal candidates are typically young, active individuals experiencing hip pain or limited mobility due to non-arthritic conditions. A thorough evaluation by a specialist is necessary to determine suitability.

3. What is the recovery time for hip preservation surgery?

Ans. Recovery times vary based on the specific procedure and individual patient factors. Generally, patients can expect to return to normal activities within a few months, with ongoing physical therapy.

4. Are there risks associated with hip preservation surgery?

Ans. As with any surgery, there are risks, including infection, nerve damage, and blood clots. However, the minimally invasive nature of many hip preservation procedures reduces these risks.

5. Can hip preservation surgery prevent the need for a hip replacement?

Ans. In many cases, early intervention and treatment through hip preservation surgery can delay or even prevent the need for hip replacement by maintaining the health and function of the natural 

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