Ways to Maintain Fitness During Lockdown
June 15, 2022

Desperate times warrant desperate measures.
In the face of global COVID-19 pandemic, the world over we are facing a shutdown at a scale that was never seen before. The healthcare workers are having their hands full due to the overload of this disease. It would definitely help to keep oneself in the peak of health and maintain fitness during such a time.
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I would recommend keeping the following suggestions in mind during such trying times:
1) Keep Active: Helping with household chores would definitely help to stay active.
A minor renovation or change in house decor by re adjusting the house furniture could help in bringing in a welcoming change.
2) Exercise : Be it yoga, stretching exercises, strength or resistance training, balance training cardiac exercises or any form of physical activity which helps in raising your heart rate, consistency is the key! Try finding exercise programmes online and follow it routinely as per one’s fitness levels.
3) Healthy diet: The role of diet can’t be overemphasised. We need to stay well hydrated and eat a healthy, well balanced and nutritious diet.
4) Avoiding stress: Avoid watching the news the whole day if it raises your stress levels. Stay away from negative thoughts.
5) Avoid alcohol/tobacco or other addictions
6) Adequate rest and sleep: your body needs time to rejuvenate, be sure to give it in plenty.
7) Mental fitness: Practice meditation and yoga on a daily basis
8) Hobby: let the creative juices flowing: you could revive an old hobby or start a new one, be it picking up an old musical instrument, sketching, dancing, reading or poetry. To each his own.
” Fitness includes not just physical well being but also mental health. It’s important for everyone to maintain good health during this lockdown period, to emerge victorious as a society, once the dust settles. ”